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This product is no longer manufactured. Remaining stock may still be available. Please refer to the alternatives listed below under "Similar products" or contact us directly.

Alternative Products for this discontinued product:

Detector head to measure the photopic spot luminance in cd/m²
Spectral radiance optic for BTS2048 series with integrated camera. Focus-able achromatic objective, for the usage with BTS2048 series. Different apertures and measurement distances including calibration are possible.

VL-3701 with SRT-M37-L

Detector head to measure the photopic illuminance in lx and the luminance in cd/m²

  • front lenses with 1°, 2° or 5° viewing angle
  • for the usage with Optometers and amplifiers
  • calibration certificate
VL-3701 with SRT-M37-L

Illuminance and luminance measurement 

The VL-3701 is a detector for precise illuminance measurements in Lux. Its application potential can be enhanced using an SRT-M37-L series front lens adapters so as to measure the luminance in cd/m². Since measurement field focusing is hereby not possible, this combination is mostly applicable for extensive illumination fields e.g. light boxes. 

Easy set-up 

In order to fix the SRT-M37L lens adapter onto the VL-3701 measurement head, the SRT-M45/37 adapter is required. This is attached onto the measurement head using side screws. For secure fitting, the lock screws fix into the V-nut on the measurement head. The lens adapter can then be simply screwed in. The SRT-M45/37B adapter has an M6 and a (1/4”-20 BSW) tripod screw on the side for mounting to tripods and others. 

1° to 5° Field-of-View angle 

Lens adapters with 1°, 2°, and 5° FOV angles are hereby offered. 

Traceable calibrations 

Luminance responsivity calibration can be performed by Gigahertz-Optik‘s calibration laboratory for optical measurands. Calibration is validated by a calibration certificate.

Front lens adapter vor VL-37 detector heads

Front lens adapter vor VL-37 detector heads

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VL-3701 with SRT-M37-L
Detector head to measure the photopic spot luminance in cd/m². Features: selectable 20', 1° and 6° viewing angles, view finder, focus able achromatic lens, for the usage with Optometers and amplifiers, calibration certificate.
VL-3701 with SRT-M37-L
Detector head to measure the photopic spot luminance in cd/m²
VL-3701 with SRT-M37-L
Spectral radiance optic for BTS2048 series with integrated camera. Focus-able achromatic objective, for the usage with BTS2048 series. Different apertures and measurement distances including calibration are possible.

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